El término "soma" se refiere al cuerpo

A medida en que navegas por la vida, los desacuerdos no resueltos, las obligaciones familiares y el estrés laboral pueden contribuir a que la energía o las emociones queden atrapadas dentro del cuerpo físico.

SomatIQ Breathwork™ utiliza una serie de técnicas de respiración circular que aprovechan la inteligencia innata de tu cuerpo ayudándolo a liberar esas energías estancadas y al mismo tiempo regular el sistema nervioso. Juntos podemos usar la respiración para aclarar lo que te ha estado frenando y provocar los cambios que deseas encarnar

What people are saying about SomatIQ Breathwork

“Divina has a very warm and comforting energy. She was very present during the session and held the space with attention and care”


“Divina gave me an amazing Somatic Breathwork journey! Her presence, voice, and cues were all exactly what I needed to shed the layers of myself I needed at that moment and I felt very inspired and peaceful at the end of the journey. She is a natural at holding space and making you feel safe and cared for”


“I loved my session with Divina and would love to continue our sessions ❤️”


“Thank you for sharing your work with me. I am glad to have experienced such a therapeutic release with a wonderful practitioner”


“The session felt open and safe. Divina listens well. I definitely felt seen and heard"


“This was my first breath work experience and I am glad that Divina was able to hold the space for me. She made me feel comfortable, she took her time to explain everything to me so I was able to understand the directions and feel confident in the process and not over think the session”


Book your virtual
SomatIQ Breathwork Session

SomatIQ Breathwork can be experienced from the comfort of
your home, on a time and day that works best for you.
Book your first session today!